
Insomniacs Are Raving About This Revolutionary Device That Is Finally Giving Them The Sleep They Need

Sponsored By The Chill Pill

the chill pill relieve insomnia

Are you tired of taking pills to help you sleep?

They make you feel groggy the next day, they don’t work very well in the long term and they can have serious side effects.

You know, more than 40% of adults are impacted by insomnia at some point in their lives, and you certainly can’t continue to be one of them, this could increase the risk for obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and other serious health problems.1,2,3,4

Imagine a device that’s small enough to fit in your pocket or purse, so you can take it with you wherever you go.

This new sleep aid is completely natural, non-addictive, and actually works better the longer you use it.

Instead of pumping your body with drugs, it uses a gentle and proven technique called Electrotherapy to train your brain to sleep better over time.

It comes in the form of a small device that you hold in your hand – and because it’s a device, you only need to buy it once. There are no refills, doctor appointments, or subscription fees.

The device is called The Chill Pill, and it’s become a smash hit since its recent release – with more than $1.5 million in sales and rave reviews from customers who are shocked to finally find an effective, safe, and natural way to fall asleep every night.

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What is The Chill Pill, and how does it help you sleep?

the chill pill

The Chill Pill is a popular new handheld device that uses Electrotherapy to help reduce insomnia.

To put it simply, Electrotherapy seeks to restore balance to your brain’s neurochemicals by delivering pulses of low-intensity currents to your body.

These currents are created by holding a small handheld device that emits electronic waves. These waves send a message to your brain that it’s time to relax and sleep.

This form of therapy is completely safe to use and 100% drug-free.

And before you say it: Electrotherapy is NOT the same as electroshock therapy! In fact, Electrotherapy delivers such a small amount of electricity that most patients cannot even feel it.

This safe, effective method has been used since the 1970s as a natural way to treat insomnia… but there’s a reason you haven’t heard of it: Sleeping pills started hitting the market around the same time.

With Electrotherapy devices, you only have to buy the product once. With sleeping pills, you need to keep coming back for refills. Is it really a surprise that the $65 billion sleeping pill industry decided to sweep this safer, more affordable alternative under the rug?

“Remember, Big Pharma spends over $6.5 billion a year on advertising,” says Cheyenne Kingrea, founder of The Chill Pill. “So even though most users agree it’s a better alternative than sleeping pills, it’s hard to compete with that kind of budget.”

How do you use the Chill Pill to fall asleep?

Using it is easy: Simply hold onto the Chill Pill to perform the soothing Electrotherapy. You can use it every night, as often as you want – with no side effects.

girl sleeping with the chill pill

Weighing in at just 50 grams, it’s lighter than an Apple AirPod case and shaped to fit perfectly in the palm of your hand.

Experts recommend using the device for about 20 minutes prior to the time you wish to fall asleep. According to the Chill Pill website, here’s how to use it:

  1. Hold the Chill Pill in your left hand on a slow, comfortable frequency setting.
  2. Once it shuts off (after 20 minutes), switch hands and hold it for another full cycle.

You should begin to drift off after the first cycle. If not, it’s perfectly safe to continue the pattern until you fall asleep.

The device takes one hour to be fully charged and holds a charge for 20 hours. It’s safe for anyone over the age of six to use. However, the company recommends consulting a physician if you have a history of heart issues, nerve damage, carpal tunnel, or if you’re pregnant.

The Chill Pill Has Become An Overnight Success – For Good Reason

the chill pill users

With over $1.5 million in sales, the Chill Pill has been gaining momentum as a viable alternative to traditional sleep aids.

Samathan Slade, who has been using the device for over eight months now, says:

“I have been actively struggling and fighting with anxiety, depression, and insomnia for 2 years. This chill pill has reduced at least 80% of my dependency on sleep aids (melatonin, CBD, THC, alcohol) to help clear my mind and get a quality night’s sleep. Within a week of using this, I was calm, relaxed, and asleep within 60 minutes max. Some nights within the first 20. I haven’t felt this relaxed in years.”

Another user, Mindy Davis says:

“I absolutely love my chill pill. I have anxiety and trouble sleeping. I just put the chill pill in my left hand and I’m usually asleep before it cuts off. It’s wonderful. I’m buying a second one in case something were to happen to this one! I love it!!! It’s been a lifesaver! Thank you for such a wonderful product”

Clearly, this all-natural method to reduce insomnia has been a godsend for people struggling with sleeplessness.

Chill Pill vs Sleeping Pill: What’s Safer?

the chill pill vs sleeping pills

According to the data, The Chill Pill is clearly a much safer alternative to sleeping pills.

“Yes, pills work in the short term – but they’re extremely addictive and very, very hard to kick,” says Kingrea. “And the withdrawals can be torturous at minimum and deadly at worst.”

“We think these sleeping pills are very dangerous,” says Daniel F. Kripke, MD, emeritus professor of psychiatry at the University of California.

“We think they cause death. We think they cause cancers,” he says.3

With such grave warnings, it’s no wonder thousands of people are turning to the Chill Pill. They say it’s just as effective – yet they wake up feeling more refreshed and don’t have to worry about a tragic accident or lifelong addiction.

Do you need a prescription for the Chill Pill?

Because the Chill Pill is a Class III Medical Device, you do not need a prescription to order one. Simply go to the company’s website here to place your order.

Since this article has been published demand for the Chill Pill has skyrocketed. Over 1.5 million units have already been sold. Due to popular demand, it’s currently out of stock.


UPDATE: The Chill Pill Is Back In Stock (For Now) – Here’s Where You Can Try It.

Clearly, a lot of people are fighting their insomnia with the Chill Pill, which is exciting to see – anything that reduces our dependency on pills is a great thing!

If you want to try it for yourself, now is the perfect time. The creators of Chill Pill are currently running a special promotion – for a limited time, you’ll get 1 FREE Chill Pill when you buy 2.

It also comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee, so you can take plenty of time to test it out. If it works, you’ll enjoy better all-natural sleep… and if it doesn’t, you can simply return it for a full refund.

We don’t know how long The Chill Pill will stay in stock this time, so we highly recommend acting now if you’re interested in seeing how effective Electrotherapy can be for you!

Representations regarding the efficacy and safety of The Chill Pill have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. This information does not constitute medical advice and it should not be relied upon as such. Consult with your doctor before modifying your regular medical regime.

References: Sleeping pills restrict deeper brain waves1 | Sleeping pills are a short-term fix2 | Using sleeping pills is as dangerous as smoking cigarettes3 | People prescribed sleeping pills were 4.6 times more likely to die during a 2.5-year period4

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